Creative Strategist
Budget: $12,000+
As Creative Strategists, artists, artist teams or artist-led organizations, work closely with the City of Chattanooga departments and residents to develop a community vision for public art including project location, direction, and scope. Using their own creative process, artists develop engagement and art-making activities to build relationships with residents and draw out interests, needs, and aspirations; which can be difficult to extract through a standard public input process. Throughout the project, the Creative Strategist will serve as a cultural consultant to project design and implementation teams. PAC’s work with Creative Strategists helps ensure the identities and cultures of our communities are accurately represented and reflected in shared public spaces throughout Chattanooga.
Creative Strategists will work directly with PAC and may coordinate with; and support, the work of the following departments and projects:
Economic & Community Development:
Martin Luther King (MLK) Corridor Public Art Projects (planning phase): Three public art projects already identified by the community are intended to highlight and preserve the culture and character of MLK Blvd. They include: an interpretive project that gives an in-depth telling of the African American history at Blue Goose Hollow; a prominent and permanent tribute to Bessie Smith, American Blues Singer; and the transformation of the MLK railroad underpass into a safe destination and vibrant gateway to the historic district and connection to Downtown Chattanooga. Artist(s) engagement efforts with the community will ensure a relevant cultural tie between all three projects and their association to the history of MLK Blvd.
Lynbrook Park - Art in Capital Project (design phase): The Trust for Public Land (TPL) has been working with the City of Chattanooga to turn a 1.4-acre site in the Oak Grove neighborhood into a vibrant community park, currently referred to as Lynbrook Park. TPL received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to fund an artist-led engagement process for the park. An artist led team worked with the community to inspire and inform the park’s conceptual layout and function. The project is now a City capital project and is moving into the design phase. Artist(s) will continue to engage the community throughout the design process and inform how public art can be incorporated with the project and meet the needs of the community.
Chattown Skatepark - Art in Capital Project (planning phase): This project is wrapping up the feasibility phase by exploring potential new skatepark sites. The current skatepark location is not ideal and will be relocated. There is a large local skating community requesting much needed improvements and better access. Artist(s) will continue to engage the community throughout the planning and design process and inform how public art can be incorporated in the future skate park.
Youth & Family Development: Washington Hills Youth and Family Development (YFD) Center - Art in Capital Project (design phase): Essential site improvements and renovations to the Washington Hills YFD Center are in the design phase. An interior artwork will be integrated with the building’s re-design and renovation. Artist(s) will lead creative engagement activities with youth to inform artistic concepts for an artwork at the Center.
New East Chattanooga City Services Facility - Art in Capital Project (planning phase): In the early stages of planning, the City is exploring potential sites for a satellite City services building that would provide bill pay, child care and other services to residents outside of the Downtown area. Artist(s) will engage the community throughout the planning and design process and inform how public art can be incorporated into the design of the future building and create a welcoming environment for the community.
Standard Creative Strategist contracts will be executed at a base amount of $12,000 for each project and will include the following scope:
- Attend Creative Strategist orientation with Public Art Chattanooga.
- Attend project meetings and follow up meetings with individual departments to clarify roles, project timeline and communication standards.
- Conceive of, and create at least (1) original engagement/art-making activity.
- Collaborate with Public Art staff to plan engagement sessions and/or workshops.
- Produce at least (3) sessions or workshops where the engagement/art-making activity is facilitated with residents. The first session of which is to be co-led with Public Art staff.
- Provide up to 30 hours of design team consultation to ensure the community's objectives are incorporated with the final project.
Artist start dates will vary based on different project schedules. Start times will range from immediate to late 2020.

Connect with Us
Public Art Chattanooga
(423) 643-7823